Special registry for RIBs and RHIBs operating in Spain

For cruising in Spanish waters, all the vessels with their own registry and certain size and propulsion power must comply with a special registry within the Spanish Tax Office.

Summer is almost here and with it, the movement of vessels that enter the European Union Customs Union (EUCU) looking forward to enjoying the long warm days.

Usually, superyachts come to spend the summer season in Spanish Waters and bring with them several, tenders, zodiacs, speedboats, RHIBs (Rigid-Hulled Inflatable Boats) and RIBs (Rigid Inflatable Boats) together with many water toys for the guests to enjoy.

At Evolution, we understand that sometimes, rules might change between different countries which makes them difficult to understand and follow. For this reason, we want to remind you about the regulations regarding this kind of auxiliary vessels .

Regardless of the ship’s registry, every auxiliary boat exceeding 8 metres or with a maximum or equal power of 150 kilowatts , no matter the number of engines and their total length, must be registered in case they are cruising in both Spanish internal and territorial waters .

This regulation excludes those auxiliary tenders linked exclusively to the main yacht. Therefore, if your tender is registered together with the main vessel and is always close to where your superyacht is anchored, the regulation might not affect you.

For this reason, any recreational vessels with an individual registry , intended for private use which follows the regulatory safety, technical and commercial issues and comply with the previously mentioned conditions, must be registered in the REOENSAV (Special Register of High-Speed Inflatable and Semi-Rigid Inflatable Boats) .

This Spanish regulation is intended to prevent both illegal person trafficking and the illicit trade of substances and objects prohibited by law .

In case of not complying with the regulations mentioned in the Real Decreto Law 16/2018 of the 26 th of October for the adoption of certain measures to combat the smuggling of persons and goods in relation to the vessels used, the consequences for the owner may range from the immobilization of the vessel to economic penalties and in some cases, even prison sentences.

Considering the nature of the consequences of non-compliance with the registration, it is always best to get in touch with some local experts that can make sure that all your boats comply with the Spanish regulations .

In case you require assistance regarding Spanish Customs, laws, and registries , you can contact Manu, our In-house expert Customs Broker , at customs@evolutionagents.com

Evolution Yacht Agents is the leading-edge team of professionals dedicated to providing assured and quality support and services to yachts in Spanish waters.

A full range of superyacht specialized services includes: charter license & legal advice, TPA (Vat exemption), customs & logistics operations, provisions & interior supplies, deck & engineering supplies and crew & VIP services.

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